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What is Acupuncture?Acupuncture is a healing modality that has been utilized for over 3000 years, and it consists of the utilization of thin filiform needles that are inserted into precise points that help balance and harmonize the flow of energy coursing through the body. According to Chinese medical theory, the body has 12 major meridians acting as rivers of Qi(energy) that influence the organs, vital tissues, as well the muscles and joints. Located on these meridians are points that have a direct influence on the flow of Qi within each meridian. Needles are inserted into various points to help regulate and balance the flow within these meridians to re-establish the body’s natural, inherent healing capability.
How does Acupuncture work?Scientifically there is no definitive answer to this question. There are many theories out there, such as the “Gate Control Theory”, but up to this point medical science is still in a quandary. According to most of the experts each of the needles has a direct influence on the nervous system and the release of certain biochemicals, such as endorphins, that shift the sensation of pain, and create a sense of well being.
Is it necessary to believe in Acupuncture for it to work?No, there have been many clients coming into the clinic that have no connection to this form of treatment, but because traditional western medicine has failed them, they have decided to give it a try. In my experience these patients can have some of the most profound results.
Does it hurt?Pain is a relative experience. Some clients are very sensitive, and some are not. Some patients have needle phobia, and it is my job to ascertain this information relative to each individual, and to support them with the proper needling technique. The majority of people feel very little to no pain. The needles are extremely thin, and are not hollow like the ones given when receiving traditional injections. Most people feel a tiny prick upon insertion, and that is all. The most common needling experience is a profound sense of relaxation, and after the treatment a generous increase in energy.
Is Acupuncture safe? Is it safe to receive acupuncture treatment while being treated by my Medical Doctor?This is a very common question because needles are being inserted into the body, and the answer to this question is yes, acupuncture is extremely safe. But, it is of vital importance that a patient is under the care of a trained professional who is licensed in his/her state. Licensed Acupuncturists must go through a rigorous training program of over 4000 hrs, administer hundreds of supervised treatments, and pass an in-depth licensing exam before they are given permission to practice publicly. I personally have given thousands of treatments without any harm to my patients. Yes, many of my patients are under the care of a Medical Doctor, and they find that receiving regular acupuncture treatments support the care they are receiving from their doctor.
Are there any contraindications?There are only a handful of health conditions that are contraindicated for Acupuncture: - Patients that have a hemophiliac condition - Pregnancy- There are certain points, and needling techniques that are contraindicated for pregnancy. But acupuncture can still be utilized by pregnant women - Patients with severe mental disorders, and those under the influence of alcohol or other mind altering substance/medications
Are the needles clean?Yes, all the needles used in the clinic come in a sterilized bubble wrapper, and are used only once and then are disposed of in the proper medical waste receptacle.
What conditions does Acupuncture treat?Since Acupuncture works on re-establishing the body’s own healing response, this list is rather extensive. According to the World Health Organization, Acupuncture has proven effective for at least four dozen conditions. The majority of clients with positive results in my clinic suffered from; Insomnia, Menopausal symptoms, Adrenal Fatigue, chronic pain, Gastrointestinal distress(IBS, Crohns, etc), sexual disorders, thyroid conditions, anxiety, and depression. Acupuncture can help alleviate a vast majority of health conditions.
What should I expect on my first visit?During your initial visit you will be required to fill out a comprehensive health history, very similar to one you would fill out at any other medical office. You will then be put through a thorough exam process that includes the asking of specific questions that are designed to further assess and diagnose your condition under the frame of Chinese Medical theory. This exam also includes a tongue and pulse reading. Patients will also be given information regarding the treatment or combination thereof(acupuncture, cupping, moxa), number of treatments needed, as well as frequency of subsequent visits. The majority of patients will be given a Chinese Herbal prescription, as well as dietary and lifestyle guidance to support the healing process.
How many treatments will I need?This depends on the severity and duration of the health condition being addressed, the frequency of treatment, as well as the patient’s lifestyle and dietary habits. Generally speaking, a standard course of treatment for a chronic condition consists of ten treatments over the course of ten weeks. This is the most commonly prescribed treatment protocol. Although, some clients respond after only 2-3 treatments while others may require consistent treatment for 3-6 months.
Does Acupuncture have any side effects or complications?Acupuncture is an extremely safe method for natural healing when performed by a professionally trained practitioner. On occasion there can be slight bruising, and muscle soreness post treatment as a result of the needling method, or body area where the needles are placed. This is a rare occurrence. There are also incidents when patients go through a healing response in the form of an aggravation of symptoms, a positive sign, that the condition is improving. Some clients may feel the need to rest or sleep after a treatment, also a positive sign that the body is healing. It is advised to have at least an hour post treatment for integration.
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